The causes of blocked outside drains are many and varied. Among the more common causes of blocked outside drains is simply a worn pipe. A run-down tube is more susceptible to clog than a perfectly functioning pipe, even with some severe cracks in it. So if you notice that the drain is getting blocked or you see that it is difficult to clean the drain with a plunger, then you might want to have your plumber fix your problem for you.
Other causes of blocked outside drains are tree roots and kitchen grease. If you constantly see your sinks, tubs, and other drains become clogged, then it might be because your drainage system has been clogged with grease. Kitchen grease is a massive culprit because it is straightforward to find, especially in the kitchen. Also, some people pour too much grease down their drains because they don’t realize how much they need to empty their sinks and waste lines regularly. So if this is what’s happening in your household, then you must make sure that you change your kitchen grease often, not just at the most inconvenient times like right before you’re about to go to bed, but preferably every few days.
One of the more common causes of blocked outside drains is tree roots, although this is not technically a cause. But you can have a blocked drain caused by roots growing down into your drain system. If allowed to grow unchecked, sources can result in a wholly clogged drain, so you should make sure that you keep your garden well-trimmed and avoid over-plowing your lawn.
Other common causes of a blocked drain outside include tree roots, moss, fungi, molds, algae, and algae-like things. It’s surprising what some of these things can do to your drains. For example, moss can quickly grow from pipes underneath your sinks and garbage cans, causing your gutters to become clogged quickly. Fungi can cause your pipes to break down and develop holes in your pipes, and algae-like things can grow on both the outside and inside of your drains, causing them to become blocked.
There are several things that you can do to prevent having your drains become blocked. One of the easiest ways to prevent drains from becoming clogged is to check your gutters for any signs of blockage. This can be done simply by placing a plunger down the drain and pushing it gently until you feel any resistance. If you feel no resistance, then that means that the clog is below the drain level. Next, you should try to dislodge the obstruction by pumping or shaking the drain, but you may need to call a professional if this doesn’t work.
Other common causes of blocked drains include tree roots and grass. Tree roots can often grow out of control and cause your drains to become clogged. Likewise, grass can grow between your sewer lines and along your pipes, which will eventually cause your pipes to become clogged. All of these are more common outside, but they can also occur within your home.
Another one of the most common causes of blocked drains is poor water flow. Sometimes the pipes leading into your house don’t get the proper water flow to run efficiently, which can cause your lines to become clogged with mud and other debris. Poor water flow is pervasive in areas where the pipes tend to freeze during the winter months. This problem can usually be fixed by adding more water to the supply or using a new tap. Still, in the meantime, you can help prevent your pipes from getting clogged with more traditional ways, such as putting some toilet paper in the toilet or using an unbreakable plunger to remove the blockage.
The number one way to prevent drain blockages of all types is to keep your sinks, tubs, and showers clean. This means that you need to take a closer look at what’s lurking inside the kitchen sink and bathroom. Remember never to pour leftover food or garbage down any drain, as it could easily seep its way into the mainline and clog your pipes. Also, make sure that all trash is removed from the sink and bathroom immediately after use since anything left in these areas can easily get trapped against the walls of your drains.