
How To Start Preparing For NEET 2021 From Now?

Preparing for any competitive exams can be an uphill task. But in today’s age, cracking and successfully qualifying these entrance tests are a must. They ensure a meritorious seat in prestigious colleges. The regular studying techniques adapted for clearing board exams is not the exam skill set required for cracking a medical entrance test such as NEET. One needs to align with different techniques to be able to attempt all the questions in this time-bound test.

If you are looking at acing NEET 2021, you are just where you need to be. In this article, we cover the 5 major aspects of starting your NEET 2021 preparation. We aim to enlighten you with suggestions that you must include and cover in your master plan. Let’s dive into the details of it.

1. Know Your Exam Well

Before starting to prepare for any exam, engrain the pattern and other essentials of the exam thoroughly. Comprehend the demand of the exam, what exactly it evaluates students on and decode its pattern. Visit the official website for NEET to download the latest copy of NEET 2021 syllabus. Download blueprints and question papers for all the subjects. Skim through the papers to comprehend the types of questions asked, marking scheme, OMR sheet etc.

2. Plan To The T

Once you have completely picked up all the essentials for NEET, get down to planning. Half your job is done with a well-laid plan. Get acquainted with the schedule of NEET and create a proper plan accommodating all the subjects and their respective complexities.

An essential aspect of planning is the proper utilization of time, time management. Judicious use of time, both in preparation and in the exam hall is critical to clear NEET. Also consider that “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. While a significant part of your plan must be devoted to preparing, do not forget to include periodic breaks in your schedule. Taking some time off and indulging in various activities is vital for mental health.

3. Follow reliable study sources

Ensure that the course material you follow must be mapped with the NEET syllabus. Follow NCERT sources for NEET. Master this resource and then move to related sources. Avoid swamping yourself with a stack of books for each subject, half of this is not even relevant for NEET. More than knowing what to study, one must know what not to study, the irrelevant information. Also, keep in mind to refrain from referring to multiple sources for the same concept, it creates chaos and invites ambiguity. Focus on basics and important concepts.

4. Mock Tests

Practising is key in any competitive exam. There is absolutely no alternative to practice. It is just as thought the tip of the iceberg. Do not commit the mistake of reading highlights, or adapt to any rote memorization techniques. Get hold of previous years’ question papers and practice one paper each day. One tip while solving papers would be to solve in an ideal exam scenario – with 3 hours set on the alarm, no distractions and avoiding referring to answers.

5. Refrain from Distractions

Competitive exams come with prerequisites of discipline and determination. You will have to make some sacrifices such as missing that important family event, waking up early, 11-13 hours of preparation time every day, avoiding social media distractions etc. But, remember, the forgoing will be fruitful.

Good Luck!

This was a brief on NEET 2021 preparation. For more such content, subscribe to BYJU’S YouTube Channel.

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