Choosing a good lobbying lawyer is one of the most important decisions you will make as a business owner. You will want a lawyer who is able to research and analyze your legislation proposal and work to represent you in the legislature. You will also want a lawyer who has a strong understanding of New York State’s lobbying laws.
Research and analysis of legislation proposal
During the first half of 2015, the Scottish Government published a consultation paper on a draft lobbying transparency bill. The consultation paper sought views on the key principles, benefits and limitations of the bill. The report presents the key findings from the feedback received during the consultation. The paper also contains an analysis of the responses.
The Scottish Government’s consultation paper highlighted the need for clarity on the following key topics: what constitutes a lobbying activity, what obligations and responsibilities exist, and what sort of register is required. Some respondents raised concerns about the possible impact on smaller organizations, while others pointed to the need for better standards of professional practice. The report also identifies the most effective and appropriate measures to achieve these objectives.
One of the most important aspects of the proposed measure is its simplicity. A simple framework should be clear and easy to implement. It should also provide sufficient coverage for all lobbyists, while promoting equity and protection of individual privacy.
Conflicts of interest
Whether you’re a lawyer who works in a law firm or in public service, you may be involved in a legal matter that involves a conflict of interest. While you can’t avoid the rule, there are steps you can take to protect yourself from the consequences of being a lawyer in a conflict situation.
The American Bar Association, which is the voluntary bar association for lawyers in the United States, has developed model ethical codes and rules of conduct for lobbying lawyers. These codes are largely adopted by other state bar associations and are then referred to as the Model Code of Professional Responsibility. While each state provides a different definition of a conflict of interest, the rules are generally the same.
A conflict of interest is a situation in which an officer or director has a financial benefit that may interfere with his or her judgment. A conflict can occur when an official is engaged as a consultant or advisor, or when an official is involved in a transaction that directly affects his or her business.
New York State’s lobbying laws
Earlier this year, New York State’s lobbying laws were under review by the Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE). After more than a year of reviewing and commenting on the Lobbying Act, JCOPE issued Comprehensive Lobbying Regulations (“CLR”) on January 1, 2019. These regulations are intended to codify decades of advisory opinions and replace them with new standards for evaluating lobbyist registration. The regulations also incorporate the evolving technology and practice of lobbying.
The new regulations provide guidance for clients and Lobbyists on how to ensure compliance. The Regulations emphasize the importance of taking steps to avoid violations of the Lobbying Act.
A Lobbyist may not accept or receive contingent retainers. Additionally, a Lobbyist must report all expenses associated with Lobbying. It is illegal to provide gifts valued at $75 or more per year.
A Lobbyist must publicly disclose the RBRs of clients’ senior executives. Lobbyists must also provide information about sources of funding exceeding $2,500.